Salem offers online giving in addition to giving opportunities on Sunday evening. As always, thanks for your generosity and support of the ministry of Salem Presbyterian Church. If you have any problems with online giving portal, please contact Kristine Gryder.
Ways To Give
DEBIT vs. CREDIT: By registering through our online giving, you can set up regular or one time transfers directly from a bank account, a debit card or credit card. Please note there are fees of up to 4% with some credit cards, so direct transfers from bank accounts or through debit cards are preferred or you can choose to add the fee to your contribution.
STOCKS: If you would like to give in the form of stocks, contact Kristine Gryder who can connect you to our brokerage account.
CHECKS: Checks can be made out to Salem Presbyterian Church, you may note a specific fund in the memo line, and send to our mailing address:
Salem Presbyterian Church
500 W 5th Street, Suite 800
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Recurring Gifts
As Christians, we confess that every gift comes from God. Giving is part of the Christian life because we want to participate in God's Kingdom work in our city and world. Based on some biblical traditions, Christians have often dedicated 10% to giving. Consider setting up a recurring gift as a discipline of generosity. We hope believers will find the joy of regular giving, even if that means giving 1% or any small amount, with the hope of giving more in the future.
Accounts Explained
GENERAL FUND: The General Fund is our main budget. Through the General Fund Salem supports its worship service, community gatherings, pastoral salaries, RUF Wake Forest, RUF Winston-Salem State, Global Missionaries, and more.
MERCY FUND: The Mercy Fund is separate from our General Fund. The Mercy Fund supports the congregation of Salem Pres by helping people meet material needs like rent, medical bills, as well as counseling. It also supports our partner ministries in the city found here.