Children (K-5th)
Sunday School – Grades K-5 meet Sundays from 4:00pm-5:00pm for a time of bible study and worship in the bottom floor of Calvary Moravian Church. The five classes are divided according to age (K-5th, 4th& 5th are combined), and each has a different curriculum. Please feel free to contact Caroline Maghen with any questions! Sunday School will resume in September.
Youth (6th-12th)
Youth Bible Study – Grades 6-12 meet Sundays from 3:45pm – 5:00pm with the Congregation Life Resident and a team of volunteers in the Youth Room of Calvary Moravian Church. This bible study follows the current sermon series with the goal of better preparing the youth to participate in our corporate worship and teaching. Please feel free to contact Jackson Cole or Tori O’Brien with any questions!
Youth Group – Grades 6-12 meet weekly on Wednesday nights from 7:00pm-8:30pm for a time of fellowship and discussion. These discussion topics are put together by the Salem Pres Staff and range from theological discussions to guest speakers. Please feel free to contact Caroline Maghen, Jackson Cole, or Tori O’Brien with any questions!
Non-typically Developing Children
For families with non-typically developing children, the elders and servant leaders are eager to do whatever it takes to help families worship and to show the love of Christ to children. Please contact the elders and servant leaders to learn more. We will happily develop an approach to specifically love your child well.